Saturday, February 23, 2008

March Break Programs

Watch a Manga Episode and have a Japanese Snack!
Come Dressed as your Favorite Character!
Thursday March 13 th
Fleming Library
Material fee: $2.00
Grades 5 and up
Please register today!

Movie and Craft Afternoon!
Too Cool Arm Warmers and a Cool Flick!
Friday March 14th
Fleming Library
Material Fee: $3:00
Please register: Grades 6 & up!
Look out it's March- It is all about Thursdays @ Fleming Library form 4-5pm!

Thursday March 6 - Anime Club- bring your sketches and love of anime! LPL has now a part of Funimation. We get to view an anime once a month! All teens welcome!
Thursday March 13 - March Break Program - Introduction to Anime & Manga material fee is $2.00 Sign up today! All teens welcome!
Thursday March 20 - Lurk in the Basement - For Grades 9 to 12
Thursday March 27 - Teen Advisory Committee - For grades 6 to 12

New Teen Programs 2008

Anime Club – Grades 6 to Grades 12
The FIRST THURSDAY of every month from 4-5pm come to the Fleming Library and discuss your favorite anime show, books and more! Bring your sketch books and your love of anime and manga! All teens welcome!

After School Frenzy- Grades 6 to Grades 8
The SECOND THURSDAY of every month is for Grades 6 to 8! Come out to this fun party program to talk about books, play games, make crafts and movies! Please register. There will be a $1.00 fee for materials and snacks

Lurk in the Basement – Grades 8 to Grades 12
The THIRD THURSDAY of every month is for Grades 9 to 12. Take your mind off homework and chill in the Basement. There is will be cool crafts, books, movies and more! Please register. There will be a $1.00 fee for materials & snacks.

Teen Advisory Committee Grades 6 to Grades 12
The FOURTH THURSDAY of every month is TAC! Teen ages 11 to 19 can come to the meetings to share your ideas on what you want at the Lincoln Public Library. Learn different meeting styles such