Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Winners of the Davy Jones Locker Book Club!

Thank-you to MarineLand and Great Wolf Lodge for the generous donations!

Krithika Srikanth has won the Great Wolf Lodge Day Passes.
Ann-Marie Bartel has won the Marineland Tickets.

Please check out MarineLand and Great Wolf Lodge today!

Thanks again for supporting teens and reading Great Wolf Lodge and Marineland!



Winner of the Great Wolf Lodge Tickets! Thank-you Great Wolf Lodge for your generous dontation!

Long Time no see... LPL Teen Space is back...

Hi Everyone,

Here is the Fall 2011/ Winter 2012 program line up

1st Thursday - Teen Advisory Committee
2nd Thursday - Doctor Who Club
3rd Thursday- Chill Zone
4th Thursday - Teen Movie...
Drama Club Mondays from 4-5pm
Wii Club Fridays from 3:30-4:30pm
Saturday @ the Movies once a month.

For more information please contact Margaret