Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Crafts and Things....

I can not believe that Easter has come and now is gone. Where did the time go??? Pretty soon, it will be exams. I don't want to think about it. :)

I was thinking, Spring is suppose to be here and what can we do to celebrate? Earth Day was on April 22, 2014. Maybe on the weekend I can make a craft at home from recycled materials?

I checked in the library catalogue for some craft ideas. I thought I would share them with you.

Dream bedroom

Craig, Rebecca, 1983- (Author).

 "Recycle materials to make cools stuff"--Cover.
Includes index.

Fun and easy to follow instructions and colorful photographs on how to make bedroom decorations from everyday household materials

Sockology: 16 new sock creatures, cute & cuddly-- weird & wild
Maloney, Brenna. (Author).


   Or check out Pinterest

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