Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I noticed a theme with my blog... Where did the time go! LOL

Well the weekend came and the weekend went and my plans to be creative did not happen. I did go and see a concert .... April Wine. They are a group from the late 1960's. If you are interested in finding out about April Wine here is a link to their website. http://www.aprilwine.ca/history/
It was awesome and this was my first indoor concert, which I was glad cause it was so cold. :)

We had our last Anime Club yesterday. We did not make Candy Sushi because the group was still interested in drawing and creating characters.  Since I am not an artist, I went on Youtube to find clips on how to draw manga. I found how to draw Youtube clips by Mark Crilley. He is excellent. He explains how to draw and gives great tips. Here is one of the clips  on how to draw an angry chibi.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwc-88WkQhk    You know when an author is good when all of his books that you have at the library are missing. I will have to reorder Mark Crilley's books. Stay tuned....

If you are interested in drawing Manga. Please come to the library and check out our collection, we have a lot of books that can get you started. Here are just a few titles:
  • How to draw more manga  by Katy Coope
  • How to draw manga warriors  by Aaron Sautter
  • Drawing manga
  • The complete idiot's guide to drawing manga by John Layma

We will not be having a club in May. I know everyone is disappointed. I will be training the volunteers who have signed up for computers for seniors. If you are interested in volunteering to help seniors learn the computer please contact me at 905-563-7014 and ask for Margaret.
Our training will take place at the Fleming Library on Mondays May 5,12 & 26 from 3:30-4:30 pm
I will keep you posted about a special Doctor Who Event!!!
Blog ya Later!


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