Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Summer is now here or it feels like summer!

How was everyone's long weekend? Mine was pretty good. Just a little freaked out on Sunday. I was outside  loving the weather. I had to run into the house for a second, walked into my living room and saw my cat playing with something. At first I though she attacked another plant, but no, it was a mouse. She was throwing it up in the air catching it. So not good. I don't do well with mice. I like the computer kind only. Needless to say, I got someone else (my husband) to deal with the situation.

This weekend got me thinking of SUMMER!!!

The Summer Program Flyer has been approved and is now available. We have a great summer planned at the Lincoln Public Library.

Registration begins Monday June 20 at both Libraries. If you have any questions please comment or email daley@lincoln.library.on.ca or call Margaret at 905-563-7014.

Have a great day! I hope that I don't have any more mice!

Blog ya Later

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