Monday, May 16, 2016

What happened this weekend?

Nothing much only that it was freezing in the Niagara Region. I could not believe it, wet snow. I am so glad it did not stay, but really? Where is spring?

We are planning for Summer. I hope it gets a little warmer.  Some of things planned are a Where's Waldo Scavenger Hunt, Tie-Dye, Spa Day and more!

Please let me know if there is anything you would like to see happen here at the Library!

Wednesday June 1, I am hoping to have a movie night. So please stay tuned for more information.

As usual , the Library is hosting the Teen Advisory Committee on Thursday June 2 at the Fleming Library. The meeting starts at 3:30pm if you are late that is OK. Just call and let me know at           905-563-7014.

Also, let me know how I can make our meetings more interesting or what programs you would like to see happen at the Library.

I am running  a Pinterest Club for Adults on Thursdays at the Fleming Library. It has been a lot of fun. We created boards. From the boards we chose a craft to do that would last about an hour.  In the summer we will be asking teens if they are interested to join us on Thursdays.

Some of things we have made so far are Kool-aid lip gloss, lemon lime sugar scrub, body butter, book flowers and more.   I am not a crafty person and I am learning to do some interesting things.  I would never of thought of making any of my own body scrubs and butters. It is a lot of fun and I am finding that it is better than some of the stuff you can buy at the store.

I found arm knitting a little challenging. My scarf  did not turn out very good. I will try again next time.

I am not as crafty as I would like to be. I am no Martha Stewart. LOL Well.... maybe one day....

I have found that today has just gone by so fast. Almost time for me to go home and feed my 3 cats. They can be handful.  I had a beautiful Aloe Vera Plant. Just gorgeous. It was pretty old, at least 15 years, I inherited it from someone. It took one night for my cats to discover the plant. They never bothered with it before until that faithful night. My poor Aloe (Ally I name my plants) was shredded.  I was so sad. My one cat Squirt, was the main culprit. The other accomplice was Mouse. I had Aloe Gel all over my carpet. They even buried leaves in their litter. Oh not a dull moment with cats.

On that note,

Blog Ya Later

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